Monday, October 25, 2004

Listing the file sizes of all Exchange Stores on all Exchange Servers in a Domain

Here is an interesting script that Glen Scales of Glen's Exchange Dev Blog created.  It is designed to report on the Exchange database size for all stores in an AD Domain. 

One of the things that I've found missing from the Exchange Management GUI's has been the ability to get the physical size of the database files (especially when you have multiple servers to manage). None of the Exchange API's accessible with script offer this type of information either.

I've found two methods you can use to grab this information via a script, the first is when the information store performs a backup via the Exchange Backup API one of the events it logs is event code 220 which states the size of each file before it is backed up. The other method is to connect to the file using the FSO object in VBS and grab the size of the file directly.

I've expanded this second method into a script that first queries for all the msExchPrivateMDB and msExchPulicMDB objects in Active Directory using ADSI. Then using the msExchEDBFile, msExchSLVFile and msExchOwningServer AD properties constructs the URL to be able to connect to each file remotely and report on the size of the EDB and STM files for that mail or public folder store. I've also used the homeMDBBL property which contains a list of all the mailenabled accounts within a mailstore to get the number of mailboxes for each mailstore. The script itself is designed to be run from the command line using cscript and will produce a console output for every Exchange server store for the domain its runs in.

The script itself looks like this I've posted a download-able copy up here

set conn = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
set com = createobject("ADODB.Command")
Set iAdRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strNameingContext = iAdRootDSE.Get("configurationNamingContext")
Conn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
Conn.Open "ADs Provider"
mbQuery = "pfQuery = "Com.ActiveConnection = Conn
Com.CommandText = mbQuery
Set Rs = Com.Execute
Wscript.echo "Mailbox Stores"
While Not Rs.EOF
objmailstorename = "LDAP://" & Rs.Fields("distinguishedName")
set objmailstore = getObject(objmailstorename)
objmailstore.GetInfoEx Array("homeMDBBL"), 0
varReports = objmailstore.GetEx("homeMDBBL")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
edbfilespec = "\\" & mid(objmailstore.msExchOwningServer,4,instr(objmailstore.msExchOwningServer,",")-4) & "\" & left(objmailstore.msExchEDBFile,1) & "$" & mid(objmailstore.msExchEDBFile,3,len(objmailstore.msExchEDBFile)-2)
stmfilespec = "\\" & mid(objmailstore.msExchOwningServer,4,instr(objmailstore.msExchOwningServer,",")-4) & "\" & left(objmailstore.msExchSLVFile,1) & "$" & mid(objmailstore.msExchSLVFile,3,len(objmailstore.msExchSLVFile)-2)
Set efile = fso.GetFile(edbfilespec)
set sfile = fso.GetFile(stmfilespec)
edbsize = formatnumber(efile.size/1073741824,2,0,0,0)
stmsize = formatnumber(sfile.size/1073741824,2,0,0,0)
Wscript.echo Rs.Fields("name") & "# Mailboxes: " & ubound(varReports)+1 & " EDBSize(GB): " & edbsize & " STMSize(GB): " & stmsize

Wscript.echo "Public Folder Stores"
Com.CommandText = pfQuery
Set Rs1 = Com.Execute
While Not Rs1.EOF
objmailstorename = "LDAP://" & Rs1.Fields("distinguishedName")
set objmailstore = getObject(objmailstorename)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
edbfilespec = "\\" & mid(objmailstore.msExchOwningServer,4,instr(objmailstore.msExchOwningServer,",")-4) & "\" & left(objmailstore.msExchEDBFile,1) & "$" & mid(objmailstore.msExchEDBFile,3,len(objmailstore.msExchEDBFile)-2)
stmfilespec = "\\" & mid(objmailstore.msExchOwningServer,4,instr(objmailstore.msExchOwningServer,",")-4) & "\" & left(objmailstore.msExchSLVFile,1) & "$" & mid(objmailstore.msExchSLVFile,3,len(objmailstore.msExchSLVFile)-2)
Set efile = fso.GetFile(edbfilespec)
set sfile = fso.GetFile(stmfilespec)
edbsize = formatnumber(efile.size/1073741824,2,0,0,0)
stmsize = formatnumber(sfile.size/1073741824,2,0,0,0)
Wscript.echo Rs1.Fields("name") & " EDBSize(GB): " & edbsize & " STMSize(GB): " & stmsize

Set Rs = Nothing
set Rs1 = Nothing
Set Com = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing

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