From my buddy Joe!...
Just thought you may like to know what is coming this week:
Exchange Web Release 1.2 Scheduled to RTW March 15, 2005!
WR 1.2 Updates
Web Release 1.2 is scheduled to RTW March 15th, 2005. This message contains information on what is new and updated.
Overview of changes in WR 1.2:
WR 1.2 Updates. 1Overview of changes in WR 1.2: 1Summary: 1New Tools: 1ExMon. 1New versions: 2ExBPA v2. 2Doc and tools changes: 2LoadSim.. 2Doc changes only: 2UTD Notifications Binding Cleanup. 3JetstressUI 3MSSearch. 3Exchange Profile Update. 3Exchange Domain Rename Fix-Up. 3ExMerge. 4 Summary:
New Tools:
Exchange User Monitor (ExMon) for Microsoft® Exchange Server enables administrators to view an individual user's usage and user experience with Exchange Server 2003. With this tool, you can gather real-time data for operating servers, to attain a better understanding of usage patterns of clients, and for future planning.
Additional Information
Please see the following documents for more information about ExMon:
Using_ExMon2.docUsing_ExMonInternal.docNew versions:
ExBPA v2Description
The newest version of ExBPA includes numerous database updates as well as some very impressive enhancements including:
MOM 2005 support
Localized into all server languages
Scheduling capabilities
Additional Information
There are many more enhancements to this very useful tool. For more information, please see the previous messages sent by Paul Bowden and Shawn McGrath.
Doc and tools changes:
Documentation changes:
Expected database size after default installation for 500 users.
Screenshot updated to show LoadSim 2003 values instead of LoadSim 2000 values.
Elaboration on what the generated score means.
Elaboration for remote configuration.
Running LoadSim 2003 with any version of outlook other than Outlook 2003 or Outlook 2000 is not supported.
Removed lsperf.reg import section from the LoadSim docs. The registration of performance counters is handled within the MSI setup, and we don't drop the lsperf.reg file anymore.
Application Change:
Invalid Delivery Time Warming changed to “debug” level because of erroneous messages as a result of initialization.
Bug Numbers
253112 DCR: Expected Database size needs to be documented or have LoadSim estimate it.
253113 Loadsim2003 doc still shows Loadsim2000 values and needs to get updated
253139 document why loadsim2003 does not work with any other versions of Outlook besides Outlook 2003
251951 LoadSim 2003 new warning to be documented
253188 Need to remove lsperf.reg import section from the LoadSim docs
Doc changes only:
UTD Notifications Binding CleanupDescription
Updated documentation to remove references to “Select All” as a result of a UI change.
Bug Number
230515 Up-to-Date Notifications Binding Cleanup Tool: Documentation Update Required
Documentation modified to give guidance on configuring JetstressUI.
Bug Number
252357 JestressUI: documentation is not clear how the input parameters relate to the end database sizes
252792 JetstressUI: documentation needs to be updated to call out reasoning for 6 databases and how it doesn't have to match production
Documentation modified to describe using “cscript.exe /h:cscript” or “wscript.exe /h:cscript” so that the usage is displayed on the command prompt instead of in dialog boxes.
Bug Number
252870 MSSearch_Admin tool - suggestions
Exchange Profile UpdateDescription
Documentation modified to state that you can not run Exchange Profile Update on a Terminal Server. There were also some link and heading fixes.
Bug Numbers
253024 ExProfRE is not supported on Terminal Server.
254340 Exchange Profile Update Tool doc: fix broken link reference
Exchange Domain Rename Fix-UpDescription
Documentation changes to reflect that
The Exchange Domain Rename Fix-Up Tool was first supported in Exchange 2003 SP1, NOT the RTM version.
The Exchange Domain Rename Fix-Up Tool will verify servers whose DNS name is part of the domain. If you have static names that do not contain the domain name, then they will NOT be reported with /verify. Customers should manually ensure that they do not have these or that they handle these manually.
Applying the restore.ldf file will undo the changes to the AD caused by applying the changes.ldf file.
Bug Numbers
235167 Domain Rename: "Exchange Domain Rename Fix-up.doc" should also state that E2K3 (Ti RTM) is supported with Domain Rename.
241567 Domain rename: after the second rename XDR-fixup /Verify does not report verification status of exchange server with statically assigned DNS name.
250213 XDR-Fixup doc needs to mention use of restore.ldf for reverting changes.ldf,
Numerous small documentation bugs fixed
Bug Number
254939 ExMerge Tools Doc: Updates for WR1.2. This is a tracking bug for the numerous changes.